Help! Demos not working, tried everything, am clueless


03-02-2006 14:53:29

Ok, i've installed and reinstalled everything including PyOgre several times, but "import pyogre.ogre as ogre" comes up with this error:

ImportError: DLL load failed: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Could one of the DLLs be corrupt or something? And what does it mean by "Application Configuration"?


03-02-2006 16:52:49

You need to install to install vcredist_x86.exe:

If you encounter problems installing the above, on Windows XP, check the following link, especially smope2's post:


03-02-2006 18:34:35

Thanks v. much; everything is working now :D