Problem while generating code


13-04-2007 12:04:49

Hi everyone!

I've got a strange compilation error while generate the ogre code. This error is the following:

error: invalid conversion from `void*' to `const char*'

There are too much errors like this, and all of this errors make reference to code lines which consist on an assert statement ( assert(...); ). I presume that it throws these errors when it attempts to make the assert parameter casting, but i've never got a compilation error like this.

In case it should be useful to fix this problem, I paste the exit that I had got before all these errors, after execute code_generators\ogre\ :

WARNING: Unable to find boost_python-vc71-mt-1_35.lib library (ogreode class) in lib_dirs
WARNING: Unable to find OgreOde_Loader.lib library (ogreode class) in lib_dirs
WARNING: Unable to find boost_python-vc71-mt-1_35.lib library (ogre class) in lib_dirs
WARNING: Unable to find boost_python-vc71-mt-1_35.lib library (ogreal class) in lib_dirs
WARNING: Unable to find boost_python-vc71-mt-1_35.lib library (ogrenewt class) in lib_dirs
Using Override for class fmod
Set fmod.libs to ['boost_python-vc71-mt-1_35', 'fmodexL_vc']
Set fmod.version to 4.06
WARNING: Unable to find boost_python-vc71-mt-1_35.lib library (cegui class) in lib_dirs
WARNING: Unable to find boost_python-vc71-mt-1_35.lib library (ois class) in lib_dirs
WARNING: Unable to find boost_python-vc71-mt-1_35.lib library (ode class) in lib_dirs
WARNING: Unable to find boost_python-vc71-mt-1_35.lib library (ogrerefapp class) in lib_dirs

INFO Creating xml file "C:\python-ogre\code_generators\cache\ogre_1.4_cache.xml" from source file "C:\python-ogre\code_generators\ogre\python_ogre.h" ...

INFO gccxml cmd: ""C:\Archivos de programa\GCC_XML\bin\gccxml.exe" -I"C:\python-ogre" -I"c:\boost" -I"c:\Ogrenew\OgreMain/include" -D"OGRE_NONCLIENT_BUILD" -D"OGRE_VERSION_1.4" "C:\python-ogre\code_generators\ogre\python_ogre.h" -fxml="C:\python-ogre\code_generators\cache\ogre_1.4_cache.xml

Finally, I've got another question. I have to copy the boost_python-vc71-mt-1_35.lib in all of my lib directories? I've got this doubt due to the previous warnings.

Thanks in advance! :)


13-04-2007 12:33:33

I've just solve the warnings by copying te boost lib into all the libraries directories linked in

I seize this reply to paste the python Traceback error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1003, in <module>
File "", line 897, in generate_code
, cflags=environment.ogre.cflags
File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\pyplusplus\module_builder\", line 87, in __init__
, indexing_suite_version)
File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\pyplusplus\module_builder\", line 118, in __parse_declarations
decls = reader.read_files( files, compilation_mode )
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\pygccxml\parser\", line 225, in read_files
return self.__parse_file_by_file(files)
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\pygccxml\parser\", line 262, in __parse_file_by_file
reader.create_xml_file( header, prj_file.cached_source_file )
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\pygccxml\parser\", line 195, in create_xml_file
raise error
pygccxml.parser.source_reader.gccxml_runtime_error_t: Error occured while running GCC-XML: In file included from