new linux binary available


05-11-2007 12:36:55

I've finally been able to compile python-ogre on my ubuntu powered
laptop, and have tested it on three different linux machines and it
all works :)
The build process was rather painless, although it took a really long

you can download the build from my server:

extract it to a folder and adjust your plugins.cfg's accordingly.

unless you extract this to a system folder such as /usr or /usr/local,
you'll have to set up LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PYTHONPATH before you can
run anything.

ld_library path is $extracted_to/root/usr/lib
python path in $extracted_to/root/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages

let me know how it goes :)


06-11-2007 23:24:54

Hey, just wanted to comment that I've gotten this to work with minimal hassle. All the issues were my own due to having half installed failed attempts at building Python-Ogre on linux around. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to build and package this up! I'm able to see my app run on Linux for the first time in months. :)

Seems to be running fine on Debian/Sid w/ an old-ish P4.




07-11-2007 08:23:37

great to hear :)

anyway, i recently noticed I haven't built ogreAL due to some error in the build scripts. I'll upload the modified build later.


07-11-2007 16:07:32

Hi Kerso,

Did you follow this guide

or did you do something different to build python-ogre?


07-11-2007 16:20:21

I believe he followed the guide in the wiki.......



07-11-2007 19:51:26

Hi Kerso,

Did you follow this guide

or did you do something different to build python-ogre?

the guide. to the letter.

I encountered some missing dependencies issues but andy fixed them so, basicly, every ubuntu user should be able to compile his own distribution. other distros shouldn't have problems.


18-11-2007 23:29:15

I'm trying to build on Gentoo but with no luck yet.

Up to step 04 things seem to go fine since I can execute the Ogre demos without problem.

The main issue seems to be this error:

nicolas@adella ~/development $ ./
=== generating ogre ===
~/development/python-ogre/code_generators/ogre ~/development
/home/nicolas/development/root/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pygccxml/parser/ UserWarning: unable to find ou from expression ""
warnings.warn( msg )
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1021, in <module>
File "", line 937, in generate_code
ManualInclude ( mb )
File "", line 244, in ManualInclude
std_ns.class_("pair<unsigned, unsigned>").include()
File "/home/nicolas/development/root/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pygccxml/declarations/", line 395, in class
, recursive=recursive)
File "/home/nicolas/development/root/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pygccxml/declarations/", line 343, in _find
found = matcher_module.matcher.get_single( matcher, decls, False )
File "/home/nicolas/development/root/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pygccxml/declarations/", line 79, in get_sin
raise matcher.declaration_not_found_t( decl_matcher )
pygccxml.declarations.matcher.declaration_not_found_t: Unable to find declaration. matcher: [(decl type==class_t) and (name=ed, unsigned>)]

=== done building code ===

./python-ogre/generated/ogre_1.4 is empty after this.

OIS seems to have no problem as .python-ogre/generated/ois_1.0/
shows many files

One thing to note is that when I execute ./
the line:
cvs -z3 -q -d -D "1 Oct 2007" co gccxml

gives error:
cvs: invalid option -- D
Usage: ...

So I changed that line to
cvs -z3 -q -d co gccxml

in order to fetch gccxml

I'm using cvs 1.12.12


18-11-2007 23:35:50

Can you re checkout the Python-Ogre SVN as I fixed the script..

The -D is needed and goes after the 'co'....

The problem you are having is that you are using the latest version of gccxml which isn't currently working -- hence the check out specifies a date to get the older version..



26-11-2007 19:56:31

Are there any plans to try and get python-ogre into any of the distributions?

The system is quite full-featured and stable these days, I think the relevant maintainers would love to add it to the distribution. That would shift the onus for creating and updating the linux binaries from you guys to the distro people.

Btw, from what I gather the easiest way to get into Ubuntu is through debian, and the best way to get there is to first have a chat with the person that will most likely end up maintaining it (the OGRE maintainer would be a good guess) and then file a formal request.


27-11-2007 01:46:23

I would assume it hasn't been done because there are so many dependencies that would need to make it first. You need boost 1.34, gccxml (CVS), Ogre 1.4, py++ SVN, pygccxml SVN, CEGUI, and OIS at a minimum. All of those would be new packages/upgraded packages.


27-11-2007 15:06:45

I'm not sure what the requirements are for dependencies needed to build but not to run. I could look into that.

Anyway, right now on gutsy:

boost 1.34.1
gccxml 0.7.0+cvs20070318-1

Missing in action:


So we're almost there.


27-11-2007 19:59:35

Yeah, but we would have to freeze the version of GCC-XML and Py++/PyGCCXML that Python-Ogre uses if we ever hope to be able to work within Linux distros. Any word on a new release of those that could be wrapped up for inclusion?


27-11-2007 22:56:26

You are making this too hard :)

The only real issue that I see is that the distro would need to build boost with the indexing suite included. We could then supply them the generated source for Python-Ogre and they would only have to build that..

So no gccxml, py++, Python-Ogre build system, etc... Of course they still need Ogre...

And if need be we could include OIS in the third party section so nothing else would be required (I've been thinking about doing this anyway so I can upgrade the version of OIS we are using) . btw - making QuickGUI the default GUI instead of CEGUI..

So, if you are interested in pursuing this I'm happy to help
