CG ERROR : The compile returned an error.


29-10-2008 12:08:57

hi guys!

when i play "" i get that error:

High-level program Ogre/ParticleGS/GenerateVS encountered an error during loading and is thus not supported.
OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Unable to compile Cg program Ogre/ParticleGS/GenerateVS: CG ERROR : The compile returned an error.
(0) : error C6015: Output 'POSITION' not completely written in CgProgram::loadFromSource at ..\src\OgreCgProgramManagerDll.cpp (line 66)
High-level program Ogre/ParticleGS/DisplayVS encountered an error during loading and is thus not supported.
OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Unable to compile Cg program Ogre/ParticleGS/DisplayVS: CG ERROR : The compile returned an error.
(249) : warning C7050: "output.color" might be used before being initialized(0) : error C6015: Output 'POSITION' not completely written
in CgProgram::loadFromSource at ..\src\OgreCgProgramManagerDll.cpp (line 66)expr: (sampler) diffuseTex
High-level program Ogre/ParticleGS/DisplayPS encountered an error during loading and is thus not supported.
OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Unable to compile Cg program Ogre/ParticleGS/DisplayPS: CG ERROR : The compile returned an error.
(323) : fatal error C9999: unexpected cast operation in CgProgram::loadFromSource at ..\src\OgreCgProgramManagerDll.cpp (line 66)

i'm working on a project using ogre, and that demo using OGRE works perfectly, but using pythonOgre i get errors..

someone can help me?
i need some help before i spend useless time looking for a problem than doesn't exist :)

thanks a lot ;)


29-10-2008 14:30:35

What version of Python-Ogre are you using? Does the error occur upon running demo_compositor or after you select a particular option?

This error does occur with the 1.6RC1 release but is harmless -- I think there was a mis-match of media files which I'll look to resolve in the next binary..

In fact just checked the Ogre C++ demo and it gives the same error (look in ogre.log)



29-10-2008 16:25:21

many thanks andy..
pyOgre -> August 29 2008 : Release 1.6 RC1
about ogre.log you're right! crash (and it isn't the only one..)

setup win start, press ok an then..

OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Unable to compile Cg program Ogre/ParticleGS/DisplayPS: CG ERROR : The compile returned an error.
(323) : fatal error C9999: unexpected cast operation
in CgProgram::loadFromSource at ..\src\OgreCgProgramManagerDll.cpp (line 66)
Parsing script Posterize.material
Parsing script pssm.material
Parsing script RadialBlur.material
Parsing script RZR-002.material
Parsing script SharpenEdges.material
Parsing script smoke.material
Parsing script Tiling.material
Parsing script VarianceShadowmap.material
Parsing script RomanBath.material
Parsing script emitted_emitter.particle
Parsing script Example-Water.particle
Parsing script Example.particle
Parsing script smoke.particle
Parsing script Examples.compositor
Parsing script sample.fontdef
Parsing script Compositor.overlay
Parsing script DP3.overlay
Parsing script Example-CubeMapping.overlay
Parsing script Example-DynTex.overlay
Parsing script Example-Water.overlay
Parsing script Shadows.overlay
Finished parsing scripts for resource group General
Parsing scripts for resource group Internal
Finished parsing scripts for resource group Internal

... and then crash occour...
do i miss something?


thanks anyway...


29-10-2008 18:45:05

it seem i get problem in line 137 (of
self.mGUISystem = CEGUI.System(self.mGUIRenderer, configFile="CompositorDemoCegui.config")

(i've tried to copy "CompositorDemoCegui.config" in the same demo directory.. you know.. but nothing..)

any guess?