submesh indexbuffer


01-04-2009 08:18:18

Hey, quick question, with a (hopefully) quick answer, by that I mean hopefully not too difficult :)
How does one properly iterate over a submesh's index buffer and read that data, in python-ogre?


01-04-2009 11:17:52

Not sure if I know a simple way -- however this code should help (it's the in the demos/ogre/tests directory in the svn)...
import os,sys
if sys.platform == 'win32':
os.environ['PATH'] += ';' + __file__[0]

import ogre.renderer.OGRE as ogre
import SampleFramework
import math

def GetIndicies ( sm ) :
outbuff = []

numTris = sm.indexData.indexCount
if numTris == 0 : return outbuff
else : numTris /= 3

ibuf = sm.indexData.indexBuffer

if ibuf.getType() == ogre.HardwareIndexBuffer.IT_32BIT:
Use32Bit = True
else: Use32Bit = False

buffer = ibuf.lock(ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_READ_ONLY)
address = ogre.CastInt ( buffer )

for i in range( numTris ):
if Use32Bit:
l = ogre.getUint32 ( ogre.CastVoidPtr ( address ), 3 )
address += ibuf.getIndexSize() * 3
l = ogre.getUint16 ( ogre.CastVoidPtr ( address ), 3 )
address += ibuf.getIndexSize() * 3
return outbuff

def GetVerticies ( sm ) :
outbuff = []
pmesh = sm.parent
if pmesh and sm.useSharedVertices :
vertex_data = pmesh.sharedVertexData
else : vertex_data = sm.vertexData

# get the start of the element
posElem = vertex_data.vertexDeclaration.findElementBySemantic(ogre.VertexElementSemantic.VES_POSITION)
vbuf = vertex_data.vertexBufferBinding.getBuffer(posElem.getSource())

# get the start of the actual buffer
vertex = vbuf.lock(ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_READ_ONLY)

# what we need is the actual address of the buffer, so we have to check if there's an offset as well
# the is basically what baseVertexPointerToElement does
newaddress = posElem.getOffset() + ogre.CastInt(vertex) # note the cast to int to get the address

for i in range (vertex_data.vertexCount):
points = ogre.getFloat( ogre.CastVoidPtr ( newaddress), 3 ) # note the getFloat and Cast back to a pointer :)
newaddress += vbuf.getVertexSize()
return outbuff

class TutorialApplication(SampleFramework.Application):
def _createScene(self):

self.entity = self.sceneManager.createEntity('head', 'ogrehead.mesh')

v = []
i = []
for m in range(mesh.numSubMeshes):
sm = mesh.getSubMesh(m)
v += GetVerticies ( sm )
i += GetIndicies ( sm )
# print v
print i

if __name__ == '__main__':
ta = TutorialApplication()