linker error, im missing something


20-11-2009 23:07:25

main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall OgreNewt::BasicFrameListener::BasicFrameListener(class Ogre::RenderWindow *,class OgreNewt::World *,int)" (??0BasicFrameListener@OgreNewt@@QAE@PAVRenderWindow@Ogre@@PAVWorld@1@H@Z) referenced in function "public: virtual void __thiscall OgreNewtApplication::createFrameListener(void)" (?createFrameListener@OgreNewtApplication@@UAEXXZ)

apart from the usual ogre libs i added newton.lib and Ogre Newt_d.lib and now im left with only 1 error and i cant find anymore newt libs, can anyone help ?


21-11-2009 07:03:02

I've experienced many problems with OgreNewt, but the thing that helped with the BasicFrameListener was following the instructions at (if you use VC++).