What version of Newton is supported (now Newton 2.30)


28-06-2011 21:09:02

Maybe I'm just dumb, but I can't find the answer anywhere. How about a sticky topic?


29-06-2011 13:55:09

I've made some quick changes to compile Ogre Newt with Newton 2.30. Newer Newton had different directory structure and I didn't want to dig through it.
Didn't test it. Only run Demo 1, because building it was already a big pain in the ass.

Link here

Maybe someone else has a use for this, seeing how this place is pretty much deserted, not much people left to extend this and teach the noobs stuff. Too bad! :(


30-06-2011 01:50:13

Hello, I'm starting with OgreNewt and tried to compile the demo Ragdoll, but it seems that some functions are outdated as BasicJoints::hinge and setCustomTransformCallback (Body), I shall be grateful if you can help.
Signed: Ownh
PS. Sorry my english I'm brazilian


30-06-2011 08:32:39

Post the errors. I lost some good hours building demo 1 and I'm not in the mood to start all that crap again.


30-06-2011 22:17:08

Here is the Log from Release.
Before you read thank you for help me.
------ Build started: Project: Demo08_RagdollExample, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
Build started 30/06/2011 18:15:01.
Touching "..\obj\Release\Demo08_RagdollExample\Demo08_RagdollExample.unsuccessfulbuild".
d:\ogresdk_vc10_v1-7-2\include\ogre\ExampleFrameListener.h(343): warning C4244: '+=' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
d:\ogresdk_vc10_v1-7-2\include\ogre\ExampleFrameListener.h(344): warning C4244: '-=' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
d:\ogresdk_vc10_v1-7-2\include\ogre\ExampleFrameListener.h(348): warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
d:\ogresdk_vc10_v1-7-2\include\ogre\ExampleFrameListener.h(349): warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
d:\ogresdk_vc10_v1-7-2\include\ogre\ExampleFrameListener.h(454): warning C4244: '-=' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
d:\ogresdk_vc10_v1-7-2\include\ogre\ExampleFrameListener.h(343): warning C4244: '+=' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
d:\ogresdk_vc10_v1-7-2\include\ogre\ExampleFrameListener.h(344): warning C4244: '-=' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
d:\ogresdk_vc10_v1-7-2\include\ogre\ExampleFrameListener.h(348): warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
d:\ogresdk_vc10_v1-7-2\include\ogre\ExampleFrameListener.h(349): warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
d:\ogresdk_vc10_v1-7-2\include\ogre\ExampleFrameListener.h(454): warning C4244: '-=' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
d:\sdk\fisica\newton dynamics - ogrenewt\ogrenewt20\demos\demo08_ragdollexample\Ragdoll.h(49): error C3083: 'BasicJoints': the symbol to the left of a '::' must be a type
OgreNewtonApplication.cpp(107): warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
D:\OgreSDK_vc10_v1-7-2\include\OGRE\ExampleFrameListener.h(343): warning C4244: '+=' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
D:\OgreSDK_vc10_v1-7-2\include\OGRE\ExampleFrameListener.h(344): warning C4244: '-=' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
D:\OgreSDK_vc10_v1-7-2\include\OGRE\ExampleFrameListener.h(348): warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
D:\OgreSDK_vc10_v1-7-2\include\OGRE\ExampleFrameListener.h(349): warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
D:\OgreSDK_vc10_v1-7-2\include\OGRE\ExampleFrameListener.h(454): warning C4244: '-=' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
d:\sdk\fisica\newton dynamics - ogrenewt\ogrenewt20\demos\demo08_ragdollexample\Ragdoll.h(49): error C3083: 'BasicJoints': the symbol to the left of a '::' must be a type
OgreNewtonFrameListener.cpp(50): warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
OgreNewtonFrameListener.cpp(52): warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real', possible loss of data
OgreNewtonFrameListener.cpp(102): warning C4305: '=' : truncation from 'double' to 'float'
d:\sdk\fisica\newton dynamics - ogrenewt\ogrenewt20\demos\demo08_ragdollexample\Ragdoll.h(49): error C3083: 'BasicJoints': the symbol to the left of a '::' must be a type
Ragdoll.cpp(82): error C2039: 'setCustomTransformCallback' : is not a member of 'OgreNewt::Body'
d:\sdk\fisica\newton dynamics - ogrenewt\ogrenewt20\inc\OgreNewt_Body.h(38) : see declaration of 'OgreNewt::Body'
Ragdoll.cpp(98): error C3083: 'BasicJoints': the symbol to the left of a '::' must be a type
Ragdoll.cpp(101): error C2039: 'getUserData' : is not a member of 'OgreNewt::Hinge'
d:\sdk\fisica\newton dynamics - ogrenewt\ogrenewt20\inc\OgreNewt_BasicJoints.h(72) : see declaration of 'OgreNewt::Hinge'
Ragdoll.cpp(112): error C2039: 'calculateStopAlpha' : is not a member of 'OgreNewt::Hinge'
d:\sdk\fisica\newton dynamics - ogrenewt\ogrenewt20\inc\OgreNewt_BasicJoints.h(72) : see declaration of 'OgreNewt::Hinge'
Ragdoll.cpp(113): error C2039: 'setCallbackAccel' : is not a member of 'OgreNewt::Hinge'
d:\sdk\fisica\newton dynamics - ogrenewt\ogrenewt20\inc\OgreNewt_BasicJoints.h(72) : see declaration of 'OgreNewt::Hinge'
Ragdoll.cpp(118): error C2039: 'calculateStopAlpha' : is not a member of 'OgreNewt::Hinge'
d:\sdk\fisica\newton dynamics - ogrenewt\ogrenewt20\inc\OgreNewt_BasicJoints.h(72) : see declaration of 'OgreNewt::Hinge'
Ragdoll.cpp(119): error C2039: 'setCallbackAccel' : is not a member of 'OgreNewt::Hinge'
d:\sdk\fisica\newton dynamics - ogrenewt\ogrenewt20\inc\OgreNewt_BasicJoints.h(72) : see declaration of 'OgreNewt::Hinge'
Ragdoll.cpp(401): error C3083: 'BasicJoints': the symbol to the left of a '::' must be a type
Ragdoll.cpp(401): error C2661: 'OgreNewt::BallAndSocket::BallAndSocket' : no overloaded function takes 4 arguments
Ragdoll.cpp(402): error C3083: 'BasicJoints': the symbol to the left of a '::' must be a type
Ragdoll.cpp(402): error C2039: 'setLimits' : is not a member of 'OgreNewt::BallAndSocket'
d:\sdk\fisica\newton dynamics - ogrenewt\ogrenewt20\inc\OgreNewt_BasicJoints.h(27) : see declaration of 'OgreNewt::BallAndSocket'
Ragdoll.cpp(406): error C3083: 'BasicJoints': the symbol to the left of a '::' must be a type
Ragdoll.cpp(406): error C2661: 'OgreNewt::Hinge::Hinge' : no overloaded function takes 5 arguments
Ragdoll.cpp(407): error C3083: 'BasicJoints': the symbol to the left of a '::' must be a type
Ragdoll.cpp(407): error C2039: 'setCallback' : is not a member of 'OgreNewt::Hinge'
d:\sdk\fisica\newton dynamics - ogrenewt\ogrenewt20\inc\OgreNewt_BasicJoints.h(72) : see declaration of 'OgreNewt::Hinge'
Ragdoll.cpp(409): error C2039: 'setUserData' : is not a member of 'OgreNewt::Joint'
d:\sdk\fisica\newton dynamics - ogrenewt\ogrenewt20\inc\OgreNewt_Joint.h(31) : see declaration of 'OgreNewt::Joint'


Time Elapsed 00:00:41.07
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========


01-07-2011 10:14:09

Sorry, I didn't manage to get it to work. The Hinge and BallAndSocket are in OgreNewt namespace, that was easy. The Hinge interface has changed and I'm not sure how it works now, but I tried fixing it a little. The real problem is BallAndSocket is commented out and I don't have the time to fix it.


21-07-2011 22:18:35

Sorry i haven't been around much anymore :S but i plan to get back to work on this soon.

To answer your question, as far as i know, up to Newton 2.25 is supported. I grabbed the latest version a few days ago and am making changes to have it compile correctly. I can't really give a date on when i may have this finished but I'll make a topic. As for now, I'll sticky this post, until I can get this up and running. Thanks for posting.