[SOLVED] OgreNewt::Debugger PROBLEM


22-06-2006 18:49:42

I want to see the debug object during my game, for that I have added these two lines in the frameStarted method:

OgreNewt::Debugger::getSingleton().init( mSceneMgr );
OgreNewt::Debugger::getSingleton().showLines( mMundo );

But, when I run the game I get this error:

An exception has been thrown!

Error #: 6
Function: OctreeSceneManager::createSceneNode
Description: A scene node with the name __OgreNewt__Debugger__ already exists.
File: \OgreDev\Dagon\PlugIns\OctreeSceneManager\src\OgreOctreeSceneManager.cpp
Line: 537
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>

What is the problem?.

I tried to remove the first line:

OgreNewt::Debugger::getSingleton().init( mSceneMgr );

And so I do not get any error, but I can not see the rigid body in the screen.

Any idea?


22-06-2006 22:43:33

Are you using a OgreNewt:BasicFrameListener? If so, just hit F3. If you have a custom frame listener for Newton, then search your project files for "__OgreNewt__Debugger__" and see if anything turns up. The BasicFrameListener already has the Debugger initialized.


22-06-2006 23:38:38

Yes, I am using OgreNewt::BasicFrameListener. And, effectively, hitting F3 I can see the debug objects!!! :):):):). But I have to hold F3 down all the time, when I release the key, the debug object is hidden.

Thanks!!! :)


23-06-2006 00:21:43

Ya, I currently have my own framelistener for Newton based directly off BasicFrameListener code, but I have too many things on screen and it just explodes - I'm thinking the code for it needs to be changed so it's toggle-able. Currently it recreates everything each frame, so it implodes for most programs.


27-06-2006 11:42:00

if u want to make it toggle-able you can use this chunk of code if you dont have a NewtonFramelistener but just your Ogre custom framelistener

this is in KeyPressed

OgreNewt::Debugger::getSingleton().init( mSceneMgr );
OgreNewt::Debugger::getSingleton().showLines( mWorld );
hasShowedLines = true;

This works on pressing the M button but you can configure it for any key your heart desire :wink:

and this at the end of frameStarted/frameended

if (mShutdownRequested)
{ // etc other testing like water etc.
return false;

hope it helps any1 :wink:

And now you dont have to keep that key pressed all the time :wink: :D :lol:


27-06-2006 12:26:53

Ah that works nicely - I always thought I'd incur a boat-load of overhead from Init, but this is nice and fast :D

Thanks very much :)


27-06-2006 12:37:02

no problem :wink: at least this code works fine :D cuz im having some problem with scaling some bodyes... i really dont know how.. :lol:
anyway im glad it helped some1 :wink: (now im in need of help :lol: )


27-06-2006 13:32:17

I haven't tried it myself, but I'd imagine you're stuck re-creating the body after you find the scale you want.


27-06-2006 13:40:18

OgreNewt::Collision* colDotScen = new OgreNewt::CollisionPrimitives::TreeCollision( mWorld, pObjNode, true );
bodDotScen = new OgreNewt::Body( mWorld, colDotScen );
delete colDotScen;
bodDotScen->attachToNode( pObjNode );
bodDotScen->setPositionOrientation(pObjNode->getPosition(), pObjNode->getOrientation());

Ive been using TreeCollisionSceneParser and my bodyes were.. well lets say not like the entityes... and i replaced with the code above and everything works fine :wink: :wink: