Creating TreeCollision from world geometry


22-02-2007 19:41:09

I've been doing some searches attempting to find the best way to incorperate terrains, BSP worlds, and Mesh worlds into ogernewt.

I am just starting out on this, but I can see several ways to attack the problem, and I tought it best to get advice before wasting to much more time on this.

I did see several posts asking about creating treecollision from a BSP, and they all seemed to end in : "that would be nice".

I did see several posts asking about creating treecollision from a hightmap, and they all refered to documentation on using the paging scene manager.

What I think I know
1: Creating a TreeCollision object represeting my world is what I should be trying to do.
2: Creating a TreeCollision from a mesh should be easy
3: My application will eventually want to use both terrain (in combination with meshs) and BSP. But getting either one to work would keep my project moving.

The Paging scene manager I think would be overkill for my application.

Looking at possabilties:

Idea 1: Convert a BSP or terrain to a mesh, load and use the BSP or terrain on the sceneMgr for faster frame-rate, but use the mesh to create the treecollision
-- problem : how to convert to mesh?

Idea 2: Create a massive AABB or Sphere query encompusing the entire world and iterate through all the world fragments manually.
-- problem : can a treecollision be created from world fragments?

Idea 3: Walk the BSP nodes, and manually create the treecollision
-- problem : I don't know enough about BSP tree's (yet) to really get this to work, even though all the info seem sto be there.

1. Am I even looking in the right direction?
2. Those un-answered posts I found are 1yr+ old, has this been solved allready? (if so can I get a link?)
3. Is there an "Easy way" I'm totaly missing?
