[Solved] Suspension and Tires


21-06-2007 16:43:43


1) I'm wondering what is the "pin" parameter for. Looks like that if pin (0,0,-1) is the right wheels otherwise is left, am i right?
2) What do the suspension parameters mean? susShock, susSpring, susLength. I'd like to play with them a little bit.



21-06-2007 17:36:52

pin is the axis the tire will rotate around.

susSpring is the "strength" of the springs that support the tire.
susShock is the "damping" of the springs that support the tire.
susLength is the distance that the tries will be pushed down from their starting position (basically the length of the suspension travel)


21-06-2007 18:40:37

pin is the axis the tire will rotate around. So, why -1 and 1 for the Z axis? Why not all 0,0,1? Is the -1 to stop the car if we stop the torque? Or because the car is centered at 0,0,0 the negative Z axis is at the right side of the car?

I had a bouncing car sometimes, but I think I can work it out playing with the suspension.



21-06-2007 18:54:55

because I used the same orientation for all of the tires, I used 1 and -1 on the right/left side of the cars so that the Omega of the tire would be reported consistently.