Launching issues


09-11-2008 21:58:12

Hello everybody.

I am a second year student in a french university, and i meet some troubles in an computing project, using Ogre and Newton to create a video game.

I am trying to use the demo example joined to the OgreNewt library, and after having fixed some basical problems (like useless methods, as getWorldOrientation()..), and compiled my OgreNewt_Main.lib, i just can't launch any .exe that i have made.. They simply do nothing. I have tried Demo01_TheBasics, Demo02_Joints, Demo03_CollisionCallbacks, and that's everytime the same.

Is that a well known problem, or am I doing something wrong ?

Thank your in advance for your help. :)


14-11-2008 15:55:18


I assume that you had already made the necessary linking to the OgreSDK or Ogre source since you can already compiled without any error.

Maybe you try to set the working directory for the individual projects, via the debugging section in the project property.

That's what happened to me when i first use Ogre. Hope it will help, anyway i am still quite new to Ogre too =)