[solved]Bodys fall to slow


02-03-2007 12:41:15

I have made my own application class based on the Ogre exampleApplication class.

All seems to be fine but the objekts are very small and fall very slow.

It seems that nxOgre uses other units than standart Ogre.

But I don't know how to set it so its like in nxOgre.


02-03-2007 13:14:31

you could set the gravity in the physics Scene mScene->hasGravity();
if it's falling to slowly try passing in a value (below -9.8 ).

If you are using CCD's you may have it really high and it could be slowing everything down as it checks. Not to sure other than that though.

Probably much simpler then I'm thinking


02-03-2007 15:27:56

The gravity value is the same as Earth, so apart from air resistance the bodies are falling down at the correct speed. Well a speed if the body fell in a vacuum.

If you want to you can increase it to more than -9.8.

The units are the same as Ogre's 1=1. Although we name them in metres, density is measured in kilograms and forces in Newtons.

Pretty much to the SI standards.


CCD doesn't do that, it just makes a special shape around the body which extends or contracts depending on the speed of the actor.


02-03-2007 16:23:14

I figured out that is seems to be falling slower but it fall correct.

I friend with I'm making a project said it fall to slow and it confused me so I thought it, too :).


02-03-2007 21:32:49

I thought so too! When I started using NxOgre with my code basing off the tutorials, the objects are slow. It doesn't look right when comparing the physics proportional to the rendering.

Anyway, under my own code it still inherit the same slowness as the tutorials using a test case with a box 1x1x1 meter same as NxOgre's box. My issue is my projectile shooting box needs a lot of velocity and low weight to overcome the slowness.

I will look into the these problems soon.


03-03-2007 18:42:46

it could be the scale of the objects you are using. If you use a huge object and zoom out so as to see it all, it does look like it falls slowly. I figured this out while working on ragdolls when my 1.8 meter tall guy fell very realistically, but my skyscraper sized guy seemed to fall "slower"


03-03-2007 19:24:12

Yes that was the reason The Ogrehead is much bigger than a 1 Meter box :)

And because Skycrapper fall not so often from the sky I can`t imagine how

they look like :D


05-03-2007 13:26:41


CCD doesn't do that, it just makes a special shape around the body which extends or contracts depending on the speed of the actor.

Ah, that makes more sense then. =) Thanks for the correction. Should make using it simpler.