Overloading onShapeHit


19-03-2007 14:15:47

I was wondering if there was a simple way to overload the onShapeHit function in my program. I would like it to be specific to the object I am making, so in each of the classes I have, I would have a new onShapeHit function.

is there a simple way to do this without recompling the SDK?


I put

NxControllerAction character::onShapeHit(const NxControllerShapeHit& hit)

in one of the classes I'm using, and it gives me this warning
warning C4273: 'nxOgre::character::onShapeHit' : inconsistent dll linkage


19-03-2007 14:51:38

read this:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/defau ... /c4273.asp

You should make your class derive from NxOgre::character and then just override the method (if the method is virtual), but unfortunately the nxOgre version you are using doesnt allows you to override/derive in an easy way.

I think you should wait untill next version is out.... or go for a work-around solution....