Need help about the process of cooking mesh.


02-01-2008 02:31:34

I am pretty new to NxOgre.
I DO not have the old version,and the tutorials.I tried to download the 0.4rc and the 0.6.But all the links that goggle provided do not work.
So any piece of code about the process of cooking a mesh will be useful to me.
I will be appreciated for that.


02-01-2008 10:46:07

I don't support those versions or do I provide the links to them. NxOgre cooks meshes for you automatically when you use TriangleMesh or ConvexMesh shapes, there isn't an interface in 0.9'38 to do things with those meshes (save them to disk, etc.) but there is in bleeding.


03-01-2008 11:04:13

Oh,I will try the bleeding.Thanks.


03-01-2008 11:04:48

Oh please don't. It's not meant for you.


04-01-2008 01:03:24

Okay,I think it's better for me to start with the older versions.