Problem deleting actors [Bleeding 1.0.20]


14-06-2008 13:27:00

Hello All!

I have been having lots of fun with NxOgre and the PhysX library. The problem I am having is when trying to cleanup. I cannot seem to be able to cleanup the actors that I have created in my scene. I have tried the following


Where m_act is a pointer to an actor created previously in the program.

The program then crashes in the NxOgre::Actor::_destroyActor(). So I decided to try not to delete any Actors and instead I tried to get the world to destroy all scenes with the following piece of code


I then get the same problem with it crashing in NxOgre::Actor::_destroyActor(). So I then tried just deleting the world object and that yet still yielded the same result. The only way, which of course I cannot actually continue to use, is to not delete the world, not have the world destroy any scenes, and to not destroy any actors. I would appreciate any help anyone could provide, and I can provide any additional information on request. Thanks all!