Sky box material 'Examples/SpaceSkyBox' not found.


03-09-2013 20:48:05


Im trying to make a skybox. To do this I created a simple program. Though I think i did everything the way it is supposed, I cannot get it to work.

I have a folder structure with

This is the content of the material file

material Examples/SpaceSkyBox
lighting off
depth_write off
cubic_texture stevecube.jpg separateUV
tex_address_mode clamp

these files are in the

stevecube_{x}.jpg x=BK, DN, FR, LF, RT, UP

This is my resource config file

FileSystem = Media/Scripts
Zip = Media/SkyMap/

And this is my application

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Mogre;

namespace geviewer
static class Program
static Root mRoot;
static RenderWindow mRenderWindow;
static float mTimer = 5;

public static void Main()

mRoot = new Root();









private static void InitializeResources()
TextureManager.Singleton.DefaultNumMipmaps = 5;


private static void DefineResources()
ConfigFile cf = new ConfigFile();
cf.Load("resources.cfg", "\t:=", true);

var section = cf.GetSectionIterator();
while (section.MoveNext())
foreach (var line in section.Current)
line.Value, line.Key, section.CurrentKey);

private static void CreateScene()
SceneManager sceneMgr = mRoot.CreateSceneManager(SceneType.ST_GENERIC);
Camera camera = sceneMgr.CreateCamera("Camera");
camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 150);

sceneMgr.SetSkyBox(true, "Examples/SpaceSkyBox");

private static void CreateRenderSystem()
RenderSystem renderSystem = mRoot.GetRenderSystemByName("Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem");
renderSystem.SetConfigOption("Full Screen", "No");
renderSystem.SetConfigOption("Video Mode", "800 x 600 @ 32-bit colour");
mRoot.RenderSystem = renderSystem;

private static void CreateRoot()
mRoot = new Root("");

static void CreateRenderWindow()
mRenderWindow = mRoot.Initialise(true, "Main Ogre Window");

static void CreateFrameListeners()
mRoot.FrameRenderingQueued += new FrameListener.FrameRenderingQueuedHandler(OnFrameRenderingQueued);

static bool OnFrameRenderingQueued(FrameEvent evt)
mTimer -= evt.timeSinceLastFrame;
return (mTimer > 0);

static void EnterRenderLoop()

And this is my log file

21:47:28: Creating resource group General
21:47:28: Creating resource group Internal
21:47:28: Creating resource group Autodetect
21:47:28: SceneManagerFactory for type 'DefaultSceneManager' registered.
21:47:28: Registering ResourceManager for type Material
21:47:28: Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh
21:47:28: Registering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
21:47:28: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered.
21:47:28: OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered.
21:47:28: OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered.
21:47:28: OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered.
21:47:28: Registering ResourceManager for type Font
21:47:28: ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered.
21:47:28: ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered.
21:47:28: DDS codec registering
21:47:28: FreeImage version: 3.15.3
21:47:28: This program uses FreeImage, a free, open source image library supporting all common bitmap formats. See for details
21:47:28: Supported formats: bmp,ico,jpg,jif,jpeg,jpe,jng,koa,iff,lbm,mng,pbm,pbm,pcd,pcx,pgm,pgm,png,ppm,ppm,ras,tga,targa,tif,tiff,wap,wbmp,wbm,psd,cut,xbm,xpm,gif,hdr,g3,sgi,exr,j2k,j2c,jp2,pfm,pct,pict,pic,3fr,arw,bay,bmq,cap,cine,cr2,crw,cs1,dc2,dcr,drf,dsc,dng,erf,fff,ia,iiq,k25,kc2,kdc,mdc,mef,mos,mrw,nef,nrw,orf,pef,ptx,pxn,qtk,raf,raw,rdc,rw2,rwl,rwz,sr2,srf,srw,sti
21:47:28: PVRTC codec registering
21:47:28: Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
21:47:28: Registering ResourceManager for type Compositor
21:47:28: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered.
21:47:28: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered.
21:47:28: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered.
21:47:28: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject' registered.
21:47:28: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered.
21:47:28: MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered.
21:47:28: OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): 'plugins.cfg' file not found! in ConfigFile::load at ..\..\ogre\OgreMain\src\OgreConfigFile.cpp (line 83)
21:47:28: plugins.cfg not found, automatic plugin loading disabled.
21:47:28: *-*-* OGRE Initialising
21:47:28: *-*-* Version 1.7.4 (Cthugha)
21:47:28: Creating resource group General
21:47:28: Creating resource group Internal
21:47:28: Creating resource group Autodetect
21:47:28: SceneManagerFactory for type 'DefaultSceneManager' registered.
21:47:28: Registering ResourceManager for type Material
21:47:28: Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh
21:47:28: Registering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
21:47:28: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered.
21:47:28: OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered.
21:47:28: OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered.
21:47:28: OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered.
21:47:28: Registering ResourceManager for type Font
21:47:28: ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered.
21:47:28: ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered.
21:47:28: FreeImage version: 3.15.3
21:47:28: This program uses FreeImage, a free, open source image library supporting all common bitmap formats. See for details
21:47:28: Supported formats: bmp,ico,jpg,jif,jpeg,jpe,jng,koa,iff,lbm,mng,pbm,pbm,pcd,pcx,pgm,pgm,png,ppm,ppm,ras,tga,targa,tif,tiff,wap,wbmp,wbm,psd,cut,xbm,xpm,gif,hdr,g3,sgi,exr,j2k,j2c,jp2,pfm,pct,pict,pic,3fr,arw,bay,bmq,cap,cine,cr2,crw,cs1,dc2,dcr,drf,dsc,dng,erf,fff,ia,iiq,k25,kc2,kdc,mdc,mef,mos,mrw,nef,nrw,orf,pef,ptx,pxn,qtk,raf,raw,rdc,rw2,rwl,rwz,sr2,srf,srw,sti
21:47:28: Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
21:47:28: Registering ResourceManager for type Compositor
21:47:28: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered.
21:47:28: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered.
21:47:28: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered.
21:47:28: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject' registered.
21:47:28: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered.
21:47:28: MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered.
21:47:28: *-*-* OGRE Initialising
21:47:28: *-*-* Version 1.7.4 (Cthugha)
21:47:28: Loading library RenderSystem_Direct3D9
21:47:28: Installing plugin: D3D9 RenderSystem
21:47:28: D3D9 : Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem created.
21:47:28: D3D9: Driver Detection Starts
21:47:28: D3D9: Driver Detection Ends
21:47:28: Plugin successfully installed
21:47:28: Loading library RenderSystem_GL
21:47:28: Installing plugin: GL RenderSystem
21:47:28: OpenGL Rendering Subsystem created.
21:47:28: Plugin successfully installed
21:47:28: Loading library Plugin_OctreeSceneManager
21:47:28: Installing plugin: Octree & Terrain Scene Manager
21:47:28: Plugin successfully installed
21:47:29: Creating resource group
21:47:29: Added resource location 'Media/packs/' of type 'Zip' to resource group ''
21:47:29: Added resource location 'Media/Scripts' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
21:47:29: Added resource location 'Media/SkyMap/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
21:47:29: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Full Screen = No
21:47:29: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Video Mode = 800 x 600 @ 32-bit colour
21:47:29: CPU Identifier & Features
21:47:29: -------------------------
21:47:29: * CPU ID: GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
21:47:29: * SSE: yes
21:47:29: * SSE2: yes
21:47:29: * SSE3: yes
21:47:29: * MMX: yes
21:47:29: * MMXEXT: yes
21:47:29: * 3DNOW: no
21:47:29: * 3DNOWEXT: no
21:47:29: * CMOV: yes
21:47:29: * TSC: yes
21:47:29: * FPU: yes
21:47:29: * PRO: yes
21:47:29: * HT: no
21:47:29: -------------------------
21:47:29: D3D9 : Subsystem Initialising
21:47:29: Registering ResourceManager for type Texture
21:47:29: Registering ResourceManager for type GpuProgram
21:47:29: D3D9RenderSystem::_createRenderWindow "Main Ogre Window", 800x600 windowed miscParams: FSAA=0 FSAAHint= colourDepth=32 gamma=false monitorIndex=0 useNVPerfHUD=false vsync=true vsyncInterval=1
21:47:29: D3D9 : Created D3D9 Rendering Window 'Main Ogre Window' : 800x600, 32bpp
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_L8
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_L16
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_A8
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_BYTE_LA
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R5G6B5
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_B5G6R5
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_A4R4G4B4
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_A1R5G5B5
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_A8R8G8B8
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_A8B8G8R8
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_B8G8R8A8
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_A2B10G10R10
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_DXT1
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_DXT2
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_DXT3
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_DXT4
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_DXT5
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT16_RGB
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT16_RGBA
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT32_RGB
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT32_RGBA
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_X8R8G8B8
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_R8G8B8A8
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_DEPTH
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_SHORT_RGBA
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT16_R
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT32_R
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_SHORT_GR
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT16_GR
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_FLOAT32_GR
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_SHORT_RGB
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_PVRTC_RGB2
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_PVRTC_RGBA2
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_PVRTC_RGB4
21:47:29: D3D9: Vertex texture format supported - PF_PVRTC_RGBA4
21:47:29: RenderSystem capabilities
21:47:29: -------------------------
21:47:29: RenderSystem Name: Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem
21:47:29: GPU Vendor: unknown
21:47:29: Device Name: Monitor-1-Microsoft Basic Render Driver
21:47:29: Driver Version: 6.2.9200.16420
21:47:29: * Fixed function pipeline: yes
21:47:29: * Hardware generation of mipmaps: no
21:47:29: * Texture blending: yes
21:47:29: * Anisotropic texture filtering: yes
21:47:29: * Dot product texture operation: yes
21:47:29: * Cube mapping: yes
21:47:29: * Hardware stencil buffer: yes
21:47:29: - Stencil depth: 8
21:47:29: - Two sided stencil support: yes
21:47:29: - Wrap stencil values: yes
21:47:29: * Hardware vertex / index buffers: yes
21:47:29: * Vertex programs: yes
21:47:29: * Number of floating-point constants for vertex programs: 256
21:47:29: * Number of integer constants for vertex programs: 16
21:47:29: * Number of boolean constants for vertex programs: 16
21:47:29: * Fragment programs: yes
21:47:29: * Number of floating-point constants for fragment programs: 224
21:47:29: * Number of integer constants for fragment programs: 16
21:47:29: * Number of boolean constants for fragment programs: 16
21:47:29: * Geometry programs: no
21:47:29: * Number of floating-point constants for geometry programs: 14624
21:47:29: * Number of integer constants for geometry programs: 12342
21:47:29: * Number of boolean constants for geometry programs: 0
21:47:29: * Supported Shader Profiles: hlsl ps_1_1 ps_1_2 ps_1_3 ps_1_4 ps_2_0 ps_2_a ps_2_b ps_2_x ps_3_0 vs_1_1 vs_2_0 vs_2_a vs_2_x vs_3_0
21:47:29: * Texture Compression: yes
21:47:29: - DXT: yes
21:47:29: - VTC: no
21:47:29: - PVRTC: no
21:47:29: * Scissor Rectangle: yes
21:47:29: * Hardware Occlusion Query: yes
21:47:29: * User clip planes: yes
21:47:29: * VET_UBYTE4 vertex element type: yes
21:47:29: * Infinite far plane projection: yes
21:47:29: * Hardware render-to-texture: yes
21:47:29: * Floating point textures: yes
21:47:29: * Non-power-of-two textures: yes
21:47:29: * Volume textures: yes
21:47:29: * Multiple Render Targets: 4
21:47:29: - With different bit depths: yes
21:47:29: * Point Sprites: yes
21:47:29: * Extended point parameters: yes
21:47:29: * Max Point Size: 10
21:47:29: * Vertex texture fetch: yes
21:47:29: * Number of world matrices: 0
21:47:29: * Number of texture units: 8
21:47:29: * Stencil buffer depth: 8
21:47:29: * Number of vertex blend matrices: 0
21:47:29: - Max vertex textures: 4
21:47:29: - Vertex textures shared: no
21:47:29: * Render to Vertex Buffer : no
21:47:29: * DirectX per stage constants: yes
21:47:29: ***************************************
21:47:29: *** D3D9 : Subsystem Initialised OK ***
21:47:29: ***************************************
21:47:29: DefaultWorkQueue('Root') initialising on thread main.
21:47:29: Particle Renderer Type 'billboard' registered
21:47:29: SceneManagerFactory for type 'OctreeSceneManager' registered.
21:47:29: SceneManagerFactory for type 'TerrainSceneManager' registered.
21:47:29: Parsing scripts for resource group
21:47:29: Parsing script OgreCore.material
21:47:29: Parsing script OgreProfiler.material
21:47:29: Parsing script Ogre.fontdef
21:47:29: Parsing script OgreDebugPanel.overlay
21:47:29: Texture: New_Ogre_Border_Center.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x128x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x128x1.
21:47:29: Texture: New_Ogre_Border.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1.
21:47:29: Texture: New_Ogre_Border_Break.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1.
21:47:29: Texture: ogretext.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x128x1) with 5 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x128x1.
21:47:29: Parsing script OgreLoadingPanel.overlay
21:47:29: Finished parsing scripts for resource group
21:47:29: Parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
21:47:29: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
21:47:29: Parsing scripts for resource group General
21:47:29: Finished parsing scripts for resource group General
21:47:29: Parsing scripts for resource group Internal
21:47:29: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Internal
21:47:30: OGRE EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Sky box material 'Examples/SpaceSkyBox' not found. in SceneManager::setSkyBox at ..\..\ogre\OgreMain\src\OgreSceneManager.cpp (line 1714)

I hope someone can point me out what I'm doing wrong.


27-10-2013 14:04:30

Sorry that you didn't get any reply earlier.
It's very good that you posted your ogre.log file.

First exception in your log file:
'plugins.cfg' file not found!
The file plugins.cfg is needed by Mogre and by default it has to be in the same directory as the *.exe file.

Second exceptionin your log file:
Sky box material 'Examples/SpaceSkyBox' not found.
By default the file resources.cfg has to be in the same directory as the *.exe file.
And inside of the resources file you define:
* all directories with resource files (sub directories has to be added additionally)
* all zip files, which contains resources

You have the choice to use relative paths or absolute paths.
1) In case of relative paths:
It's good if your code should be easy to compile on other computers.
Important: The path is always relative to the directory, which contains your *.exe file.
It's allowed to use ".." to refer to parent directories (e.g. "..\..\Media\Materials\Scripts" or "..\..\Media\SkyMap\").
2) In case of absolute paths:
It's easy in the first moment, but can cause trouble if you change your project directory or if you want to compile the code on other PCs.

I hope I could help. If you have further questions, just ask.